Health & Wellness: News

10 Oct 2019


Having trouble falling asleep? Try these simple tips and tricks

Sometimes, falling asleep could be tough.

09 Oct 2019


Five simple Yoga exercises you can perform at work

Stuck in a desk job? You are not alone.

07 Oct 2019


Here's how onion juice can help prevent hair loss

Hair loss can be difficult to cope with.

07 Oct 2019


Six ways in which Green tea improves your skin health

Green tea is gaining a lot of popularity these days, for a reason.

04 Oct 2019


Want strong and shiny hair? Try these 8 food items

Everyone desires strong, shiny and dandruff-free hair.

04 Oct 2019


#TechBytes: 5 features you should try on your Apple Watch

Apple has finally released watchOS 6, the latest software for Apple Watch Series 3, Series 4, and Series 5.

03 Oct 2019


Trying to lose weight? Know these five diet facts

There's a lot of talk around weight loss.

02 Oct 2019


Want to quit caffeine? Try this fruit-infused tea

Tea is one of the most popular beverages on the planet and has various health benefits.

01 Oct 2019


Five Yoga asanas to help improve your heart health

Heart disease is the cause of nearly one-third of all deaths, around the globe.

01 Oct 2019


Navratri 2019: Here's how you can stay healthy while fasting

The nine-day Navratri festivities have begun.

30 Sep 2019


Suffering from poor digestion? Try these five herbs

A well functioning digestive system is crucial for overall good health.

27 Sep 2019


Can walking help you lose weight? Here are some tips

From regulating blood pressure to boosting mood, regular walking is known to offer various health benefits.

27 Sep 2019


Hard water causing hair loss? Here are natural home remedies

So you've tried out all the best hair care products, but you still are a victim of hair fall - perhaps it's time to blame the quality of your water supply.

26 Sep 2019


Amid vaping-related deaths, JUUL CEO Kevin Burns resigns

On Wednesday, JUUL Labs announced that its CEO, Kevin Burns, has decided to step down as the e-cigarette manufacturer faces scrutiny over the recent reports of deaths and illnesses due to vaping.

26 Sep 2019


Here's how you can get rid of beard dandruff

No matter where it appears, dandruff is troublesome. Not only does it affect your scalp, it can also ruin your facial hair.

25 Sep 2019


Can't stop craving for candies? Here are five healthy alternatives

Sure candies are fun, delicious, utterly sweet, and super tempting.

24 Sep 2019


Hangovers now count as an illness, rules German court

If you have ever gotten into an argument with your boss about how a sick leave is totally warranted after a night of heavy weekday drinking, don't worry, a German court is here to back you up.

24 Sep 2019


Feeling hot? Here are hacks to cool down your house

The summer is refusing to step down.

23 Sep 2019


Here's why you should include Ajwain water in your diet

Ajwain is an excellent offering from the realm of Ayurveda as it is used both as a flavoring ingredient and medicinal agent.

21 Sep 2019


Having trouble falling asleep? Try these five foods before bed

Getting proper rest is crucial for refreshing your mind and body from the day's toil.

20 Sep 2019


Mushrooms: Health benefits and how to add them to diet

Neither a veggie, nor a fruit - these delicious tiny toys actually belong to the fungi kingdom.

19 Sep 2019


Five vegetarian protein-rich sandwich recipes your kids will love

While meat eaters get most of their nutrients (including the all important protein) easily, vegetarians often struggle to avoid deficiencies.

19 Sep 2019


Can't stop craving for junk food? Try these five tips

Junk food is extremely unhealthy for you - not only does it make you fat, it can bring along life-threatening conditions like heart disease, diabetes, etc.

18 Sep 2019


#HealthBytes: Experiencing weak ejaculation? Here are its causes and treatment

Weak ejaculation is a sexual condition, in which a person ejaculates lesser amount of semen (than normal) or experiences a reduction in the force of ejaculation.

18 Sep 2019


Apples: Nutritional value and its top five health benefits

Move over their crunch and that soothing, juicy taste, apples also happen to be miraculously healthy.

17 Sep 2019


Morning-after pill: Effectiveness, types, functioning, side effects, and more

The morning-after pill is an emergency form of contraception that contains hormones, which can help prevent pregnancy by obstructing the process of fertilization.

17 Sep 2019


5 natural home remedies to darken gray hair

While we aren't sure if gray hair implies maturity and wisdom, it sure does mean that there isn't melanin production in your body, which could be an early sign of aging.

17 Sep 2019


These are the five benefits of drinking enough water everyday

About 60% of our body is water.

16 Sep 2019


Health benefits of barley and how to use it

Barley is one of the most widely consumed grains on the planet.

14 Sep 2019


#HealthBytes: Follow these simple tips to improve your sex life

A healthy and satisfying sex life is crucial for a couple's overall mental, physical and emotional well-being.

13 Sep 2019


Six foods to help you stay healthy during season change

Winter is coming. Among other concerns, one can't help but worry about the possibility of catching a cold or falling prey to the flu.

12 Sep 2019


Apple tea: Health benefits and how to make it

We don't need the clingy apple-and-doctor idiom to remind ourselves how important the fruit is.

12 Sep 2019


Wheat allergy: What to eat and what to avoid

A wheat allergy occurs when your immune system responds abnormally to wheat consumption because of the protein found in it.

11 Sep 2019


Five healthy morning habits to help you lose weight

Obesity is downright dreadful, as it could lead to life-threatening health issues like Type-2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and even certain cancers.

10 Sep 2019


#HealthBytes: Can Sexually Transmitted Infections pass through oral sex?

Sexual stimulation on a partner using the mouth, tongue and lips is what we call oral sex.

10 Sep 2019


National Nutrition Month: Six super-foods to include in your diet

These days, many people stick to fasting or fad diet plans in order to 'stay healthy' or to lose weight.

09 Sep 2019


National Nutrition Month: Top five protein-rich food items for vegetarians

These days, many people stick to fasting or fad diet plans to 'stay healthy' or to lose weight.

05 Sep 2019


#HealthBytes: What is vaginal dryness, how to deal with it

The hormone estrogen helps keep the lining of the vagina thick and elastic, by keeping it well lubricated with a thin layer of clear fluid.

05 Sep 2019


Heart health: Here's what you should and shouldn't eat

Heart disease is the cause of nearly one-third of all deaths, around the globe.

04 Sep 2019


Five myths about fruits you should stop believing right now

Fruits are nutritious and filling, no questioning that. They are popular for their many health benefits.