Global Warming: News

17 Jul 2024

Climate Change

Longer days ahead? Climate change is affecting Earth's rotation

Climate change, primarily driven by global warming, is causing significant alterations to the Earth's rotation and the length of our day, according to researchers at ETH Zurich.

29 Jun 2024

Climate Change

Ocean as ally? Start-ups explore CO2 storage in deep blue

In an effort to mitigate climate change, over a dozen start-ups are investigating methods to enhance the ocean's natural carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption capacity, reports The Wall Street Journal.

09 Jun 2024

Climate Change

Scientists explore geoengineering techniques to save Arctic from melting away

Scientists are investigating various geoengineering strategies to counteract the effects of global warming on the Arctic, according to The Wall Street Journal.

08 Jun 2024

Climate Change

Record-breaking CO2 levels discovered in atmosphere signaling climate crisis

The American Southwest is currently experiencing extreme temperatures due to a destructive "heat dome," coinciding with reports of record-breaking atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.

01 Jun 2024

Climate Change

Cleaner shipping fuel has accelerated global warming, says study

In 2020, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) implemented a global standard to reduce high-sulfur fuels in shipping, leading to a significant drop in pollution.

10 May 2024

Climate Change

Scientists discover novel material that traps greenhouse gases

Scientists from the UK and China have made a groundbreaking discovery by synthesizing a unique porous material capable of trapping potent greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and others.

08 May 2024

United Nations (UN)

Global temperature streak continues with record heat in April

A new report by the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service has identified April 2024 as the hottest month on record for global air and sea surface temperatures.

08 Feb 2024

Climate Change

January 2024 was the world's warmest on record

January 2024 was the hottest January ever recorded, with global temperatures reaching 1.66°C above pre-industrial levels, a monitoring agency said on Thursday.

08 Feb 2024

Climate Change

Global warming exceeds critical limit for first full year

For the first time ever, the Earth has experienced a full year with global warming surpassing 1.5-degree Celsius, as per the European Union's climate service.

24 Jan 2024

Health & Wellness

48,500-year-old 'zombie viruses' may lead to another pandemic

Experts caution that ancient viruses, also known as Methuselah microbes or zombie viruses, trapped in Arctic permafrost could be unleashed due to global warming, potentially sparking a significant disease outbreak.

09 Jan 2024

Climate Change

2023 was hottest year ever: What factors led to this?

2023 went down in history as the hottest year ever recorded.

03 Dec 2023

Climate Change

COP28: India, China skip triple renewable energy plan

Both India and China refrained from signing the pledge at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) climate summit to triple the world's renewable energy capacity by 2030 on Saturday.

29 Nov 2023


'Surprised by sudden deterioration': Glacier retreats 8km in 2.5 years

Antarctica's Cadman Glacier has seen a drastic retreat of 8km in just 2.5 years, after remaining stable for about five decades. Not only that, its ice shelf has also completely collapsed.

20 Nov 2023


Earth hits critical warming threshold for first time

On November 17, the Earth passed a crucial global warming limit, at least briefly. Preliminary data reveals that, for the first time, the global temperatures averaged over 2-degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels.

11 Oct 2023


International Girl Child Day: Girls who are empowering the future

Youth often rise to the challenge, exhibiting incredible resilience and devotion to making a difference in a society where change and growth are crucial.

10 Oct 2023


Extreme heat could make parts of Earth unlivable, scientists warn

New research states if global temperatures were to rise by 1-degree Celsius than the current levels, then billions of people every year would be experiencing extreme heat that's too hot to handle.

06 Oct 2023


Western Europe's highest peak hits lowest level in 22 years

Mont Blanc, the tallest peak in Western Europe, has reached its lowest height in 22 years, researchers say.

05 Oct 2023

Climate Change

2023 to become hottest year as September breaks temperature records

New data from the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service reveals that 2023 is on track to become the hottest year on record. The global mean temperature this year is 0.52 degrees Celsius higher than average.

26 Sep 2023


Antarctic winter sea ice melts to record low

Antarctic sea ice has reached a record low this winter, covering only 16.96 million square kilometers, the lowest since satellite records began in 1979.

15 Aug 2023


'We must act now': NASA's warning amid rising temperatures

NASA has announced that July 2023 is the hottest month on record since 1880. According to NASA's data, July 2023 was 0.24 degrees Celsius warmer than any previous July.

08 Aug 2023


Researchers warn extreme events in the Antarctic region 'virtually certain'

Ice loss, and heat waves among other extreme events in Antarctica, are almost 'certain' to become more frequent, signaling the need for urgent action to limit global warming to the Paris Agreement target of 1.5 degrees Celsius.

26 Jul 2023

Atlantic Ocean

Major Atlantic Ocean current could collapse much sooner than expected

A new study, published in Nature Communications, warns that a key ocean current system in the Atlantic Ocean could be headed for a collapse and that too as soon as 2025.

19 Jul 2023


NASA leadership and climate experts to discuss extreme weather events

NASA is going to hold a meeting at its Washington headquarters tomorrow to discuss the extreme weather events witnessed in the recent months.

17 Jul 2023


Why the world is facing extreme heat this year

Extreme weather warnings are being issued as intense heatwaves continue to grip several parts of the world, including the US, Japan, China, parts of Asia, and Europe.

10 Jul 2023


#NewsBytesExplainer: Why North India is facing sudden surge of rainfall

After a 10% deficiency in overall rainfall across India till the end of June, excessive rainfall activity in the west coast and northern states over the last week reportedly resulted in a 2% excess rainfall on Sunday.

05 Jul 2023


July 3 marks hottest day ever: What's causing temperature rise

This Monday i.e. July 3 was the hottest day ever on Earth.

20 Jun 2023

Climate Change

Himalayan glaciers could disappear by 2100 if climate change continues

Scientists have found that ice loss from the world's highest mountains is happening faster due to rising temperatures. By the end of the century, these peaks could lose up to 80% of their volume.

17 May 2023

United Nations (UN)

Next 5 years to be hottest ever recorded: UN

The United Nations (UN)'s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Wednesday said that it is nearly certain that 2023 to 2027 will be the hottest five-year period ever recorded.

17 May 2023

Climate Change

Global warming will soon breach crucial limit for first time

Between 2023 and 2027, researchers predict that there is a 66% chance that we will breach the key 1.5-degrees Celsius global warming limit, for the first time in human history.

21 Apr 2023

United Nations (UN)

5 key takeaways from the UN Climate Change 2022 report

Global temperatures were the highest in the last eight years, according to the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) annual report for 2022.

20 Apr 2023

Climate Change

Ice loss in Greenland and Antarctica increases five-fold since 1990s

Climate change impacts are getting more serious by the day. Loss of ice cover in Greenland and Antarctica has increased five-fold since the 1990s, as per Ice Sheet Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise (IMBIE), which is funded by NASA and European Space Agency (ESA).

21 Mar 2023

United Nations (UN)

Key takeaways from the UN's latest climate change report

The UN has released a major climate change report, the result of research conducted over the past five years.

20 Mar 2023


How NASA's 30-year satellite data helped monitor sea level rise

Satellite data recorded by NASA's missions, including TOPEX/Poseidon over thirty years, has helped scientists estimate the rise in sea level globally.

30 Nov 2022


Scientists revive 48,500-year-old frozen zombie virus. Another Pandora's box?

The glaciers and the permafrost that are melting as a result of global warming release frozen matter, including microbes, that have been trapped beneath the surface for years.

25 Sep 2022


Massive Tonga volcano eruption to cause global warming?

Do you recall the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano eruption near Tonga in January that caused nerve-racking tsunamis and a sonic boom that circled the world twice?

20 Sep 2022

Summer season

Earth experienced 6th warmest July and August in 143 years

If you felt the mercury levels this year were just too high, fret not, you weren't alone.

12 Aug 2022


Antarctic glaciers are shedding ice alarmingly faster than previous estimates

We know that Antarctica has been changing in an unprecedented way, losing more ice than ever. However, a NASA-led study based on satellite imagery has found that the ice continent has lost more ice than previous estimates.

23 Jul 2022


Polar bears forced to eat garbage amid rising Arctic temperatures

New research has warned that polar bears in the Arctic are consuming more garbage amid a rise in temperatures.

10 May 2022

Climate Change

Global temperature may rise 1.5 °C in 5 years: WMO

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has issued a strong warning over the rising global temperature amid unprecedented heatwave conditions in India.

08 Sep 2021

Climate Change

Global warming to make extreme coastal events more common: Study

Extreme coastal events happening every 100 years currently are expected to occur, on average, every year by the end of this century due to global warming, according to a study.

08 Jul 2021

Climate Change

Over 7L annual deaths in India linked to abnormal temperature

Nearly 740,000 excess deaths in India annually can be attributed to abnormally hot and cold temperatures related to climate change, according to a study published in The Lancet Planetary Health journal.

15 Sep 2020


Facebook launches new 'Climate Science Information Center': Details here

In a bid to help make planet Earth a greener and less polluted place to live, Facebook has announced a new 'Climate Science Information Center' for its main app.

30 Oct 2019


By 2050, Mumbai, Kolkata may get completely flooded, says research

As global warming continues, polar ice will melt faster and coastal regions worldwide will be swallowed by the swelling seas.

26 Jun 2019

Climate Change

An ice-free Greenland could be our *scary* future, says study

If you are someone who wonders why Greenland, a landmass that's mostly ice, was named that, you probably won't have to spare more thought for it.

08 Jun 2019


Delhi: Sikh man distributes water to strangers, wins Internet's heart

No matter how much you deny, climate change is a real problem and it is accelerating faster than you think.

05 Jun 2019

Climate Change

Human civilization could end by 2050 and it's our fault

It has been decades since we first started hearing about the drastic climate change, but it seems nobody has been taking those warnings seriously. And now, as it turns out, we may end up paying the ultimate price.

19 Dec 2018

Donald Trump

Blind, worm-like, sand burrowing creature named after Donald Trump

The US President, Donald Trump, has been the face of many controversies.

28 Nov 2018

Donald Trump

Climate isn't weather: Trump gets science lessons from Assamese girl

On November 21, the temperature dropped to -2 degree Celsius in Washington, US.

30 Oct 2018

Climate Change

Bitcoins might destroy Earth as we know it: Here's how

Not many people associate bitcoins with climate change, but it seems like cryptocurrencies can hasten humanity's march towards climate catastrophe.

24 Oct 2018

Climate Change

Himalayan Viagra, costlier than gold, is in danger

Nicknamed 'Himalayan Viagra', an expensive caterpillar fungus, which is more valuable than gold, is becoming harder to find due to climate change, say researchers.

19 Oct 2018

Climate Change

#ClimateChange: The clock is ticking; can we change our ways?

About two weeks back, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a landmark report warning humanity of run-away climate change and cataclysmic consequences in the absence of 'unprecedented' changes to the world economy in the next 10 years.

08 Oct 2018

Climate Change

UN: 10 years left before climate change decimates planet Earth

A landmark climate change report released by UN on Monday has warned that the world is on the brink of disaster and could face cataclysmic consequences if steps aren't taken immediately to drastically cut carbon emissions.

11 Jul 2018

Climate Change

Increasing evidence points towards sixth wave of extinction

When the last male northern white rhino, Sudan, was put down earlier this year by its caretakers, the uncomfortable topic of extinction made its way into mainstream news for a brief period of time before being swept under the rug again.

02 Apr 2018


Global warming can worsen India's food security problem manifold

Hunger is one of India's basic problems: according to the 2017 Global Hunger Index, it ranked 100th out of 119 countries.

24 Mar 2018

Climate Change

UN: Humans looking at lonely future with fewer plants, animals

According to new UN scientific reports - covering the Americas, Europe and Central Asia, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific regions - on biodiversity in the planet, humans are looking at lonely future with an ever-increasing number of species coming under the threat of extinction.

23 Jan 2018

Narendra Modi

Modi in Davos: PM discusses three biggest challenges of today

PM Narendra Modi talked about climate change, good vs bad terrorism and self-centeredness, the three biggest challenges the world is apparently facing today, at the 48th World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos, Switzerland.

19 Jan 2018

Climate Change

Last 17 years have been the hottest since 1880: NASA

2017 was the warmest without El Nino, the Pacific weather pattern that adds to the rising temperatures, reported NASA on Thursday.

03 Jan 2018

Climate Change

Thanks to climate change, chocolate to get extinct by 2040

Imagine a world without chocolates.

29 Dec 2017


As America freezes, Trump suggests using bit of global warming

Donald Trump mocked climate change on Friday, displaying once again how little he thinks of the modern world's most imminent threat.

15 Nov 2017

Climate Change

Time is running out: Global scientists warn humanity

World scientists recently issued a second "warning to humanity", highlighting the imminent danger that our planet is in, thanks to our unsustainable lifestyles.

14 Oct 2017


Pollution woes: Instead of crackers, SC should ban this fuel

As if Delhi was not crumbling under pollution from coal plants and exhaust from cars, high imports of a fuel more polluting than diesel and petrol, petcoke, adds to Delhi's pollution woes.

19 Aug 2017


How much would climate change cost India?

As global green house gas emissions continue to grow, India is starting to feel the impact of climate change; be it through bad monsoons or through extreme weather events.

03 Aug 2017


Global warming: Are we ignoring farmers in the Himalayas?

Climate change has been manifesting itself through many ways including changing weather patterns.

09 Jul 2017


Paris Agreement: 19 countries reiterate commitment after US' withdrawal

Just over a month after the US pulled out of the landmark Paris Agreement, leaders of 19 nations at the Hamburg G20 summit have vowed to take it forward with or without America.

20 Jun 2017


Was Trump's withdrawal from Paris Agreement a blessing in disguise?

Trump's recent withdrawal from the Paris Agreement has been met with a loud clamour on how it ends all hopes for fighting climate change.

16 Jun 2017

Climate Change

Last month was the second hottest May on record

According to NASA's monthly analysis, last month was the second hottest May in 137 years of modern record-keeping of average global temperatures.

05 Jun 2017


World Environment Day 2017 - Connecting people to nature

Every year, 5 June is celebrated as World Environment Day - the largest and the most celebrated day for conserving and preserving the nature and environment.

02 Jun 2017

Donald Trump

Five ways Trump's Paris agreement withdrawal impacts the world

President Donald Trump has announced his decision to withdraw the US from the 2015 Paris climate change agreement.

28 May 2017


G7 summit concludes: Trump refuses to agree to climate-change deal

The conclusion of the annual G7 summit in Sicily on Saturday saw differences crop up between US President Donald Trump and representatives from European nations and Japan.

24 May 2017


Tree Conservation- Delhi's special ambulance for sick trees, and more

Delhi got its 'tree ambulance' in 2010, after the previous year's monsoon left about a 100 trees uprooted in the area maintained by the New Delhi Municipal Corporation.

09 May 2017

Monash University

IIT-B professor awarded prestigious INSA Young Scientist medal

Vikram Vishal, assistant professor in the Earth Sciences department at IIT-B, has won the coveted Indian National Science Academy (INSA) medal for Young Scientist, 2017.

08 May 2017


Paris accord- Investor giants urge Trump to implement climate agreement

In a letter to the Group of seven (G7) countries, investors holding $15 trillion worth of assets urged countries led by US to implement the Paris climate agreement, despite Trump's abrogation threats.

25 Apr 2017


Heatwave in India: 4,620 deaths recorded in four years

Deadly heatwave in India claimed over 4,620 lives over the last four years.

22 Apr 2017


Earth Day 2017: On the importance of going green

April 22nd is celebrated annually as Earth Day since 1970. Celebrated across the world, the Day upholds the importance of environmental protection. Demonstrations and celebrations are conducted in over 193 countries commemorating the day.